Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥



Below are links to the recordings from the previous 公共神学 lecture series presented by North Park Theology 神学院 with generous support from Lilly Endowment, 公司. 
获取有关电流的信息 公共神学 lecture series, please visit the 北公园神学院 日历和活动 页面.


Centered in the Storm: A 公共神学 Series

The 神学院’s 2022–23 public 神学 series focuses on being centered in Christ—not as an escape from the needs of the world, but as a necessary means to the transformative work of the church in the world.

神学院 faculty from each disciplinary field will facilitate dialogue in reflection on Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28–30: “Are you tired? 疲惫不堪? 烧坏了…? 来找我吧. 跟我走,你就能恢复你的生活. 我来告诉你如何真正地休息. 和我一起散步,一起工作,看看我是怎么做的. 学习优雅的自然节奏. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (The Message). We invite you to join us as we seek Christ’s unforced rhythms of grace. All lectures are free and open to the public but registration is required.

Culture and Belonging: A 公共神学 Series, 2021–22

Responding to the invitation of theologian Willie James Jennings (After Whiteness), this series pursued an ethic of  belonging that builds people toward each other, 共同居住, 最后是圣餐. 从牧师的领域中汲取, 圣经, 神学, 和历史, we reimagined communities of belonging through the lens of culture. NPTS  faculty and leading practitioners of Covenant congregations and denomi国家al ministries collaborated to lead creative discussions integrating scholarship, 省实践, 和形成. 查看下面的录音.

“Purposeful Narrative: Engaging the Mosaic of Covenant 历史”
“Multiracial Congregations: Transformative or Status Quo?”
“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”: Biblical and Practical Understanding of

协调 & 协调:P.P. Waldenström 150年后的赎罪布道

The year 2022 marks the 150th anniversary of Rev. Paul Peter Waldenström’s sermon on reconciliation (1872), which set in motion events that led to the formation of the Covenant Churches in Sweden (1878) and North America (1885) and left an indelible mark on Covenant 说教, 任务, 和教会学.

Four scholars and church leaders shared how this crucial aspect of Covenant 历史 remains relevant today to the church’s calling to restorative justice, 种族的义, 全球使命, 说教, 还有教会生活. Co-sponsored by the Com任务 on Covenant History and 北公园神学院. 查看下面的录音.

Traditioned Innovation: A 公共神学 Series 2020–21

We entered 2021 amid continuing 经济 and political uncertainties, navigating the layered crises of the COVID-19 pandemic, 持续的, 以及教会中有害的种族不平等, 国家, 和世界. This complex reality requires all the resources available to us, including a critical evaluation of the past—“traditioned innovation” (L. 格里高利·琼斯), 批评, and reimagines the past for the needs of the present and future. NPTS faculty and leading practitioners of Covenant congregations and denomi国家al ministries collaborated to lead creative discussions integrating scholarship, 省实践, 和形成. 查看下面的录音.

“社区 Vacci国家s: Remembering the Past to Heal for the Future
“#ImpactOverIntent: Today’s Black Theology in Black History Month
“对Zoom的体现崇拜?: The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Online Worship”
“Discovering Signs of God’s Grace in the Midst of Chaos”